Farmers Market & Food Pantry

Free Farmers Market & Mobile Pantry

These events are held as first come first serve until we run out of food. We recommend bringing your own reusable bags and/or cart. There will be a welcome table to sign-in for participation to receive food assistance.

Mobile Pantry

1st Monday of each month*
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Located in the Campus Quad

Farmers Market

3rd Thursday of each month*
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Located in the Campus Quad

*with the exception of holidays, for the most up to date schedule of events view the Mesa College Calendar

San Diego Food Bank ID Card

New Process for Market Participation

The San Diego Food Bank has initiated a new distribution process in which participants can receive a Food Bank ID card.  In order to receive the ID card, an Food Bank ID intake form will need to be completed.  This card can be used at all future food distributions and throughout San Diego County including all campuses within the San Diego Community College District.  

You are welcome to bring the application prefilled or complete a printed copy on the day of the food distribution, as a wet signature is required.  We will do our best to provide an ID card by the next food distribution. 

Sample ID Card:

San Diego Food Bank ID Card

Please note: if you have received a Food Bank ID card from another agency within San Diego County, you will not need to complete another intake form.  As mentioned, the ID card can be used at all food distribution.

Feeding San Diego Parnership

The Farmer's Market is a monthly event, made possible via a partnership with Feeding San Diego, and offers students and members of the Mesa College community access to fresh produce at no-cost.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunity to help package and distribute food at either events are open to faculty, classified professional, students and/or NANCE.

Please keep an eye out for emails to signup or arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start time.
